the xlog : x-rated weblog

a twisted and humorous look at sex, pornography, and the world in general

September 12, 2007

Porn movie script read-through session

Filed under: commentary,humor,pornstars,sex news,video clips — Simon @ 8:08 am

Have you ever wondered if porn movies are just made up as they go along? Some of them really do seem that way, while others have obviously had more put into their production. On hollywood-style mainstream movies, there’s something called a “read-through” where all the actors who have speaking parts sit around a table and read their lines out loud.

Something to keep in mind as you watch the clip is that often a read-through is done as a cold reading. This means that the actors have had no rehearsal time, so they don’t give a performance but simply to read the words on the page. Beacuse of this, it’s common for actors to read their entire role in a flat monotone.

Okay, now on to the clip. Depending on your sense of humor you’ll either find this hillarious or boring, but here we have for you an example of what a read-through would be like for a porn movie. Just click the button that says “play film” in the middle of the image to start the video.